8 Theories That NASA Might Be Hiding From People

5. Black Knight Satellite

NASA random
By NASA (NASA Photo ID: STS088-724-66) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Footage revealing a mysterious black object passing the ISS became a Youtube sensation back in 2015. The video appeared to show a black object passing the moon on 31 July 2015. A similar occurrence was captured on camera by NASA astronauts during a 1998 space shuttle mission. This black object was considered to be the Black Knight satellite.

Alien conspiracy theorists claim that this satellite is an object of extraterrestrial origin, possibly up to 13000 years old orbiting Earth in near-polar orbit. In 1954 Donald Keyhoe, a retired naval aviation major, claimed that the US Air force had detected two satellites orbiting Earth, despite none being launched. The myth developed in 1963 when NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper was reported as saying that he had witnessed the Black Knight Satellite while in space, but the US space agency allegedly put it down to cosmic hallucinations.

In 1998, the first alleged photographs of the satellite emerged and were taken by astronauts on the space shuttle Endeavor as it made its first flight to the ISS. NASA tried to explain these images as being a thermal blanket lost by the shuttle crew. So if this Black Knight satellite never even existed then what could these numerous unidentified objects be?

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A budding mechanical engineer who loves to read and write stuff. Love of the unknown is his passion.