8 Totally Batsh*t Things People Actually Believe

7. Flat Earth


If you thought geocentrism was nuts, then get ready to meet its bigger, crazier brother, Flat-Earthism.

As the name suggests, Flat Earthers believe that the world is, well, flat. This theory was most recently brought back into the mainstream by rapper B.o.B with a bizarre stream of tweets claim to provide evidence that the world was not spherical after all. This included pictures of long straight roads, pictures with random circles and a general stream of consciousness suggesting that some kind of conspiracy was being uncovered. The thing is, in order to make the whole the-Earth-is-flat argument work, you have to disregard a vast amount of other scientific observations.

You have to also believe that literally every single space mission was faked, including all photographs, footage and even the live stream from the ISS. You also have to find some other way of explaining things such as time zones, eclipses and the fact that things disappear over the horizon.

The major argument that most Flat Earthers put forwards is just that the Earth "looks flat". You know, in the same way that stars "look small" and instant Mac 'n' Cheese "looks nice". Yes, science is mostly an observational discipline, but you can't just stop at the observation you like and disregard the rest.

There are many facets to Flat-Earthism, but generally speaking the belief is that the Earth is a flat, disc shape surrounded by a wall of ice (guarded by NASA, obvs) to "stop things falling off the edge". Gravity is also an illusion on a flat Earth, objects do not fall downwards but, rather, the Earth-disk-thing flies upwards at a rate of 32 feet per second and is powered by dark energy. Day and night cycles are caused by the sun and moon behaving like "spotlights" and lunar eclipses are caused by the "anti-moon".

Frankly, you can argue back and forth about how "flat" the horizon appears, or the nature of gravity, but at the end of the day you have to ask, why would anybody lie about the shape of the Earth in the first place?


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.