8 Ways Evolution Has Royally Screwed You Over

2. Genitals, Generally

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If any part of the human body was going to prove that it did not have an intelligent designers, it would be the clusterf*ck going on in our pants.

For a start, the male urinary tract meanders in a roundabout fashion around the prostate gland. As the prostate has a habit of swelling up, particularly in later life, this can mean that peeing becomes something of a challenge as men age.

Women don't get it any easier, the cramped up nature of the vagina and urethra, coupled with the proximity to the anus leads to a high chance of infection after sex. For both men and women, these infection can travel up the urethra and into the bladder, and if there's one place you don't want a raging infect, its your bladder.

Then of course we have the issue of men's testicles - arguably their most sensitive organ - hanging down outside the body like it's their birthday or something, whereas many other animals keep them safely tucked away in their abdomen.

Put this together with the previously discussed baby-through-pelvis dilemma and, yeah, it's a mess down there.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.