9 Batsh*t Crazy Theories That Might Actually Be True

7. Holographic Universe: Space Is An Illusion

holographic earth
Thomas Wanhoff/Flickr

It might sound like the mating call of the tinfoil hat brigade, but there are some very serious theoretical physicists out there, who are taking the idea of the holographic universe very seriously.

A hologram as we know it is an image printed or projected on a two-dimensional surface that looks three-dimensional.

We tend to think that we live in a three-dimensional (plus time) universe, but what if it only looks like that? What if it's a hologram?

One of the major things that raised the physicists' suspicions, is that when you try to unify the quantum and relativistic models of the universe, you get results consistent with a two-dimensional universe. Many physicists just assume that we're getting our maths wrong, but some think that this might just be because it is a two-dimensional universe that we're describing.

Amazingly, there are those who think that it might actually be possible to test this theory. By looking very closely at the fabric of the universe, we might be able to detect the tiny "pixels" that make up the hologram. The worst part is that, if it were true, the flat-earthers will have been technically right all along.

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