If you're one of those people with zero sense of direction, then this could be the biohack for you. However, there are some who think that we could be trained to have an innate sense of direction. Researchers at the University of Osnabrück in Germany fitted some volunteers with a belt with 30 vibrating motors attached. These motors would vibrate and constantly indicate the direction of magnetic north, or even guide the wearer when they programmed their destination into an app. The researchers and volunteers found that, over time, they were able to intuitively navigate on a subcognitive, subconscious level, almost as though it had become just another one of their senses. Not only would this be extremely helpful for the directionally challenged amongst us, but it is thought that it would enable the blind to travel much more easily. This could be a similar process used by animals that navigate using the Earth's magnetic field. Perhaps if the technology were combined with the magnetic subdermal implants, we might well be on our way to developing a true sixth sense.