Contrary to popular belief, being a celeb ain't easy. I should know, I went to Uni with a girl who once went on a date with the son of the original Milky Bar kid. Yep, heady times those were...it must be pretty grim though. Think about it, if you're an A-list celeb, the vast majority of the general populace either wants you to crash and burn spectacularly. Or, alternativley, to soar like Icarus, push boundaries and abridge frontiers and then, after having devoured their pound of flesh, watch you crash and burn spectacularly. Preferably in HD. Whilst I've nothing but contempt for anybody who possesses a longing for fame and fortune, you can't exactly blame these folk for wanting to rid themselves of the spotlight before the wax starts to melt and feathers become unstuck. However, the angry mob are generally reluctant to let their leading ladies/men take a time-out. Leaving the star with only one option in their quest for solitude. The real/fake/probably real/definitely fake death. Though we're haunted daily by many vacuous, talentless and sadly-still-breathing individuals, we take a look at nine of the most eminent who're indubitably dead. Aren't they?