9 Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That The Universe Is A Simulation

5. It's The Natural Progression Of Technology

Sight future technology tech
Robot Genius Films

It might seem like a pretty out-there hypothesis, but what if creating virtual universes is a natural progression of a technologically advanced society?

We are currently in the process of creating ever more complex simulations ourselves and, considering the progress we've made in just the last half a century or so, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that we'd be able to simulate complex, thinking universes soon enough.

For this not to happen, we'd have to either end as a species (or at least end our technological age) or somehow lose interest in the idea altogether.

Now, with this in mind, consider the probability of our species being the first in the history of the universe to achieve this. If it is an inevitability of a technological society, then it is wildly unlikely that it hasn't happened before, perhaps even many times - perhaps we're a simulation within a simulation within a simulation.

To break this down to numbers, even if we make the fairly modest assumption that this has only happened a million times in the entire history of time and space, then there is a one in a million chance that we are the first. However, this means that there is a 999,999 in a million chance that we're one of the simulated universes.

This is the argument that Elon Musk made not so long ago, when he stated that, in his opinion, the chances that we're not living in a simulated reality are a billion to one.

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