9 Disgusting Medical Treatments That Might Just Save Your Life

1. Intravitreal Injection

Needle eye
OSLI Retina

You were warned.

Most people don't even like the idea of putting contact lenses in, but if you have a disease of the eye such as macular degeneration, endophthalmitis or any kind of occlusions, a trip to the doctors could all get a bit Saw II.

Intravitreal injections are injections that are administered directly into the eye (intravitreal literally means"inside the eye"). The eyeball is numbed before the procedure, so you won't feel a thing but, for obvious reasons, you aren't able to look the other way and pretend it isn't happening.

Your eyeball is actually full of a jelly-like substance called vitreous, which whatever is injected into it will float around in after the procedure. It's not uncommon to see strange shapes, known as "floaters" afterwards.

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