9 Everyday Words That Everybody Is Using Completely Wrong

5. Phase

What People Think It Means: To disturb or disconcert someone. What It Actually Means: A stage of development or a distinct portion of a process, system, or presentation; to schedule or order so as to be available when or as needed. Homophones are one of the cruellest establishments of the English language, but that doesn€™t excuse professional news sites from making this elementary error: it seems that everybody has at least once confused €œphase€ with the similar-sounding €œfaze.€ If I tell you €œmy haters don€™t phase me,€ I€™m essentially saying that those who have a vested dislike in me aren€™t capable of scheduling me to be available as needed, or else that they don€™t attack me using Star Trek energy weapons. Which, I suppose, are both positive and uplifting facts, but not quite what I was trying to get across, probably.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.