9 Everyday Words That Everybody Is Using Completely Wrong
5. Phase
What People Think It Means: To disturb or disconcert someone. What It Actually Means: A stage of development or a distinct portion of a process, system, or presentation; to schedule or order so as to be available when or as needed. Homophones are one of the cruellest establishments of the English language, but that doesnt excuse professional news sites from making this elementary error: it seems that everybody has at least once confused phase with the similar-sounding faze. If I tell you my haters dont phase me, Im essentially saying that those who have a vested dislike in me arent capable of scheduling me to be available as needed, or else that they dont attack me using Star Trek energy weapons. Which, I suppose, are both positive and uplifting facts, but not quite what I was trying to get across, probably.
Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.