9 Genius Halloween Costumes For Science Nerds

8. Marie Curie (Glow-In-The-Dark Optional)

Marie Curie Costume

Marie Curie pioneered research into radioactivity, winning the Nobel prize not once, but twice, making her the first person and the only woman to ever achieve such a feat.

She discovered two elements, radium and polonium, and even coined the term "radioactivity" itself. During the course of her career, she was exposed to untold levels of radiation, which would ultimately take her life, and her belongings still have to be kept in lead-lined containers due to their radioactivity. Seeing as the isotope of radium Curie carried in her pockets has a half-life of 1,601 years, they'll remain that way for a long time.

Pay tribute to the mother of radiation this halloween. If you don't mind a bit of bad taste, then you could always invest in some glow-in-the-dark body paint as well.

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