9 Genius Halloween Costumes For Science Nerds

2. The Dress

The Dress

Look, if you're going to go as an internet meme, at least you could spark a bit of debate.

Since The Dress hit the internet, there have actually been some real scientific studies on it to go with the Twitter flame wars.

One of these surveyed 1,401 people (313 of whom had never seen the image of the dress before and had presumably been living under a rock) and 57% said it was blue/black, 30% described it as white/gold, 11% said blue/brown and 2% said "something else". It's thought that how you perceive the dress is all to do with how your brain initially assumed it was lit. If you assume daylight, then you'll see white/gold, and if you assumed warm artificial lighting then you'll see blue/black.

P.S. It's clearly white and gold.

P.P.S You can buy this dress here.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.