9 Mind-Blowing Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Yourself

6. You Have The Same Amount Of Hair As A Chimpanzee

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Jason Clarke Cesar1 We are primates, and have evolved from primates; but over time we've shed our fur to almost naked skin. Just because you can't see it, though, doesn't mean it's not there... and in vast amounts. In fact, our bodies contain about the same number of hairs as that of a chimp. Scientists are yet to come up with a concise answer as to why we lost our thicker protective fur, but it may have been to help us sweat more easily and avoid parasites like lice and ticks. When we think of our "hairy parts" we think of heads, faces, underarms and, of course, our genitals. If you've ever felt the sharp heat of a waxing strip take off with your pubic follicles attached to it, you may well be able to answer this question... why? What is the purpose of removing the luxurious growth of fur shrouding your jewels? Perhaps it's a sexual thing, a cleanliness thing... or maybe it's an extension of humanity's evolution towards near hairlessness? Something to think about next time you head to the waxing salon.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell