9 Historical Moments That Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth

1. The Sumerian Civilisation

sumerian head

The Sumerian Civilisation existed in around 4,500 BC in the area of modern day Iraq. The Sumerians invented highly advanced methods of farming and also developed complex systems of writing and mathematics. They were highly advanced and possessed a vast knowledge of astronomy and the solar system. One ancient Sumerian tablet discovered by archeologists lists earth as being the seventh planet from the edge of the Solar system, a fact that is true if Pluto is included in the count.

The fact that the Sumerians lived thousands of years before the discovery of Pluto makes their astrological observations intriguing to say the least. Theories exist that the Sumerians were granted this advanced knowledge by their gods. Sumerian religion tells of gods who used man as labour to harvest the land. These stories have led to an abundance of speculation in the U.F.O. community that the gods were not gods at all but rather beings from another planet who came to Earth in ancient times to mine for resources.

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Recent History graduate living in Newcastle. I like to travel and experience new things, my favourite place on earth has got to be the Great Barrier Reef. To date my greatest achievements include completing the National Pokedex and mastering how to make cheesy nachos.