9 Historical Moments That Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth

6. Napoleon Bonaparte€™s Microchip

Napoleon was the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine and rumoured alien abductee. In 1997, news surfaced that a half-inch long microchip had been discovered inside Napoleon€™s skull by a scientist named Dr. Andre Dubois. Dubois had received a grant from the French Government to carry out research on the skull to determine why Napoleon was so short. When asked about his discovery, Dr Dubois stated that the chip was lodged within the skull and had sufficient bone growth around it to conclude that it had been there since Napoleon was young.

Alien enthusiasts were quick to claim that this discovery was proof that extraterrestrials had been abducting and experimenting on humans throughout history. If true, the Napoleon abduction story could also help to explain a small mystery surrounding Napoleon€™s disappearance in July 1794. Aged just 25, Napoleon completely vanished for a period of several days claiming upon his return that he had been taken and held captive by a group of men. There was however no evidence in existence at the time to support Napoleon€™s kidnapping claim.

It was the period that immediately followed this alleged abduction that Napoleon achieved his rapid rise to power, this had led U.F.O. theorists to speculate that the chip was somehow responsible for this and helped him to build his empire through supernatural means.

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Recent History graduate living in Newcastle. I like to travel and experience new things, my favourite place on earth has got to be the Great Barrier Reef. To date my greatest achievements include completing the National Pokedex and mastering how to make cheesy nachos.