9 Most Popular Flat Earth Arguments, Debunked

4. Also, The Stars Move When You Do

International Space Station Star Trails JSC2012E052684

Sticking with our stellar theme for the moment, another issue with the "fixed stars" theory, is that, although the stars may not seem to shift with the movement of the Earth around the sun, they do appear to shift with the movement of us around the Earth.

As one travels further south, Polaris, the star located roughly about the geographical north pole, appears to get lower and lower in the sky until it disappears over the horizon altogether. In the southern hemisphere, folks are treated to an entirely different set of constellations which would not happen on a flat earth.

There is an idea floating around that the stars are not sinking below the horizon, but are growing more distant and therefore too small to see. If this were the case, however, they would appear to bunch together as they disappeared into the vanishing point, much like the shelves in this large warehouse.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.