9 New Technologies That Are A Sci-Fi Fan's Wet Dream

1. Lightsabers

Lightsaber Duel Star Wars

It's the holy grail for sci-fi nerds. The alpha and omega. The one true goal: The Lightsaber.

Well, it looks like we might be one step closer to making it a reality. Scientists at Harvard University and MIT are currently working on a way of making light behave in a much more "lightsabery" way by creating something that they call "photonic molecules".

The problem with photons (the particles that make light), is that they're massless, meaning that they don't even interact with each other, much less slice off somebody's limbs. However, using a cloud of super-cooled rubidium atoms, the scientists have managed to make photons behave like molecules - like matter.

This isn't just nerdy wishful thinking either, one of the professors in charge of the research, one Professor Lukin (seriously, his name is a legit combination of Luke and Anakin) told the Harvard Gazette Its not an inapt analogy to compare this to lightsabers [...] The physics of whats happening in these molecules is similar to what we see in the movies.

It's happening, guys.

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