9 Psychological Effects You Can Turn To Your Advantage

3. Always The Butt Of The Joke?

Unless you're under the age of 10, the more you tell a joke, the less funny it gets. Use this to your advantage, not by making your jokes better, but by making others' jokes worse. If somebody is cracking one-liners at your expense and you find yourself unable to come up with a witty retort (not that that would ever happen to you), just pretend you didn't hear and get them to repeat themselves two or three more times. Now, sit back and watch that hilarious jibe about your mum's BMI transform into a clanger right before your eyes. On a slightly more serious note, you can also use this to combat types of harassment. Some people swear by it as a way of turning the tables on catcallers by engaging them and calmly asking them to explain what they meant by "oi oi love, never mind that bike, I'll give you something to ride". By the time they've had to repeat it a couple of times to your face, the douchebaggery will hopefully have dawned on them.
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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.