9 Reasons Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome

5. You Can Fall In Love- Truly, Madly, Deeply

Tumblr Maeugsw1gz1qbwjnko1 1280 Gif Being in your 20s is by far the best time to fall in love. Firstly, because by now you have probably figured out what it is that you're looking for in someone, and secondly because you are not quite desperate yet. If you go past 30 there is a big chance you will be getting phone calls from your parents asking if they will witness the day when their grandchildren are born and demanding that it is about time for you to settle down. You probably do have had some relationship experiences in the past and some might have been heartbreaking but they were probably not strong enough to put you off for life. You have gone through your fair share of bad partners, and are now mature enough to make appropriate life-changing decisions. Don't forget you will have time to be cautious and reserved and to make pros and cons lists. But for now it's all about you and going for what feels right and ditching what doesn't. Going with nothing but your heart. Putting together all of the points so far falling in love would probably mean you have someone to party, travel, and share a place with. Plus, they probably look great. What's there not to love?
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Final-year Sport Journalism student at the University of Brighton. Addicted to Tennis, Football and travelling. You can also find me on Twitter @bonar_a