9 Reasons We Should Go Back To The Moon

1. To Inspire The Next Generation

child space astronaut

So many of the scientists we have today will say that the moon landings played a major role in their love for the subject and their desire to pursue it as a career.

If there's something that you can never have too much of, it's a healthy thirst for knowledge. Raising our kids in a society that looks inwards, divides itself and says "can't" more than "can" is always a bad idea. Raising our kids in a society in which prizes innovation and exploration can only be good.

We, as adults, can get as excited as we like about the prospect of heading to the moon or Mars or whatever but, ultimately, it's the next generation that are hopefully going to see our species head further out towards the stars than we ever could. Just as the last moon landings inspired this generation of scientists, going back could just capture the imagination of an Einstein in the making.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.