9 Seriously Bizarre "Future Predictions" From The 1900s

1. We'd All Drug Our Spouses

An article in TIME back in 1966, we had a go at imagining what the world would look like in the super-futuristic year of 2000 A.D.

What did they imagine? Was it all flying cars and wipe-down upholstery? Perhaps they saw a future in which we had finally done away with war or famine?

Nope. The folks at TIME magazine saw a world in which spouses would settle their differences by drugging one another:

In general, drug control of personality will be widely accepted well before the year 2000. If a wife or husband seems to be unusually grouchy on a given evening, says Rand's Olaf Helmer, a spouse will be able to pop down to the corner drugstore, buy some anti-grouch pills, and slip them into the coffee.

Apparently, by the millennium, we were all supposed to be beyond the primitive "flowers and apologies" stage and have moved on to sedating one another just to get through another day in our clinical, loveless relationships.

You can just imagine the Valentines cards: "Darling it's you that I love the most/So long as you've had your recommended dose".

Who says romance is dead?

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