9 Seriously Bizarre "Future Predictions" From The 1900s

6. Diet And Exercise Would Render Underwear Obsolete

Sticking with the theme of underwear, in 1957 the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner became very worried about lady's undergarments.

In its June issue, the newspaper ran an article entitled "Vitamins and Exercise Will Replace Girdles in 50 Years". It made the shocking prediction that ladies would all be running around knickerless in the next half a century, saying:

The corset people are in a dither because a fashion designer says the woman of the future won't need a girdle. Designer Adele Simpson predicted recently that 50 years hence, women will have such good figures they won't need to wear "unmentionables." She said the improvement will come from vitamins and exercise.

The implication that women might soon be burning their girdles, however, clearly ruffled some feathers as fashion consultant Betty Vincent pointed out that vitamins would do nothing to "lift the bosom or control the average derriere" and that to imagine a world without girdles was "wishful thinking".

Well, all we can say is thank god she was right. Can you imagine a girdle-less world full of out-of-control-derrieres?

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.