9 World Leaders Jack Bauer Needs To Have A Word With

6. Thein Sein - Myanmar / Burma

Human Rights Barely Exist In Burma Most of us are familiar with the atrocities facing the citizens of Burma, they have been well documented and are no longer a secret to global society. This is a country which will kill its own citizens should they step out of line, and the majority of the military has free reign to execute others as they see fit. And their leader Thein Sein allows it all to happen by turning a blind eye. Jack Bauer desperately needs to set foot in the Burmese capital and have more than just a word with this man and his leadership. Jack must also get the location of Sein's military leaders following the interrogation, so that he can ensure the military will cooperate fully with their changed mandate. Multiple visits to multiple Burmese military leaders would soon follow. Preferred Interrogation Method: Body part removal,via hacksaw.

From and currently living in Appalachia - Love just about all things Pop Culture