9 World Leaders Jack Bauer Needs To Have A Word With

4. Enrique Pena Nieto - Mexico

Those Mexican Drug Lords Need Taming Since the Mexican leadership can't seem to get a handle on the US border drug violence, Jack would need to first make a visit to Mexico City, meeting with Mexican President Nieto to discuss the country's lacking strategy against the drug cartels who are keen on dismemberment. The Mexican government would take this meeting willingly, and the discussion between Jack Bauer and President Nieto would be quick and to the point. What would follow would be Jack arriving at the Mexican/US border for an impromptu meeting with local drug leaders, one-on-one of course. Look for Chloe to again provide assistance by way of satellite thermal-imaging and turn-by-turn access for Jack to eliminate all those in charge in the local border towns. Preferred Interrogation Method: Threatening Nieto's family with beheadings.

From and currently living in Appalachia - Love just about all things Pop Culture