Apple Watch: 12 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

10. Setting Your Watch Ahead

You don't have to be The Doctor to change the time on the Apple Watch (but having two hearts, a snazzy shape-changing spaceship and 14 regenerations in case you die isn't something to be sniffed at if you get the opportunity). For those people that are always running late, you can easily set your Apple Watch to be five minutes ahead, ensuring that you'll always be early. To do this, go into your Settings, then 'Time', and then change the '+0 min' using the the Digital crown to advance the time ahead up to 59 minutes. This is also a useful for pranking your skittish friends - although if you're the sort of person that would find that funny, you probably don't have too many friends. (WhatCulture does not take responsibility for any loss of friendship while using the Apple Watch).

Guest hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.