Comic Con 2012: Toys, Collectables And Cool Stuff: Part 1

It's not only thebiggest weekend for fanboy movies but we also get a ton of toys to drool over too.

San Diego Comic Convention. Man of Steel trailer, comic book panels, previews for films that will have us excited for the months ahead and more stars in attendance than an award ceremony. It's grown to be a huge event for the world of film but for me, the other buzz I get from it every year is seeing all the cool stuff on display. Toys, models prototypes. I spend many an hour during Comic Con weekends browsing all these cool collectables and I thought it might be a good idea to bring some of my favourites to you guys. As this is a Comic Convention, lets begin with the comic book stuff shall we? DC Comics Well as per usual there's a whole splattering of Superman and Batman related stuff on display. Marquettes are always awesome including these two from classic Bat stories The Dark Knight Returns and Knightfall. Of course there was also a ton of The Dark Knight Rises merchandise in attendance. I'm not really a huge fan of movie inspired Batman stuff but I really quite liked these two. There was also this cool design for the Arkham City toyline (more on that later) and any Superman model that screams SUPERMAN! this loudly goes down well with me. I miss his red pants in comics. My prize for best Batman collectable has to go to this Hush two pack set of Bats and Joker. I'm not that in love with the Joker but the Batman design here is absolutely perfect. It really captures the Jim Lee design and just plain rocks. Oh, speaking of the The Joker, there's also a look at these two crackers. Any Heath Ledger fan out there will be drooling to get their mitts on his Joker and the more classic Joker design always looks amazing in a model this well made. Click "next" below for part 2...
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