Do This During A Nuclear Bomb Attack

7. Information Every Hour On The Hour

Old radio

As Sherlock Holmes once said, ‘it is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data'. Access to information will keep you alive.

The pamphlet reminds you that radio is the only link with the outside world you will have after a nuclear attack. All TV stations will cease broadcasting, so survival information will be scarce.

Not only is a portable radio necessary, but spare batteries are a requirement so you can keep up to date on instructions. A transistor radio will fare even better.

At the time of this pamphlet’s release, mobile phones were not as widely used as they are today. A phone might be a good idea, but the Wireless would last much longer (ultimately disproving The Buggles incorrect).

Radio broadcasts will emanate from every local and national fixed frequency, and hourly updates will be provided by the Wartime Service. It is advised that you regularly tune into these broadcasts in case updates affect your chances of survival.


I am a freelance writer with an interest in wrestling, culture, music, podcasts and literature. Currently working in projects involving creative regeneration.