Do This During A Nuclear Bomb Attack
5. Sanitation Is More Important Than Independence
While it is far from a luxury, toileting is a daily essential for every human being on the planet. Being squeezed into a small survival space with your nearest and dearest will make for some uncomfortable moments, but it is the only way you can survive.
The pamphlet recommends making a commode out of a chair with the cushion removed, and a small bucket placed underneath. Be sure to line the bucket with plastic bags to make for easy disposal and optimum hygiene.
If you’re conscientious of saving space, a chair isn’t necessary. A simple waste bin or a bucket will do. Make it a priority to get one with a lid to protect you and your family.
Also, a plentiful supply of disinfectant and toilet roll is needed for ensuring you avoid infection from other infectious diseases such as cholera.
It is recommended that your makeshift toilet is stored just outside of your inner refuge to prevent the spread of germs and embarrassment. Be sure to keep a bin closeby specifically for the disposal of your toilet bags.