Do This During A Nuclear Bomb Attack

3. Know The Signal

Warning siren
Brendan and Ruth McCartney / Crowthorne - Broadmoor Warning Siren / CC BY-SA 2.0

During the attack, three distinct signals will be given to alert everybody of any immediate danger.

As soon as the word has been given that a nuclear-armed device is inbound, an air raid siren will sound in a fast up-and-down tone. The warning will also be broadcast on the radio.

After the blast, sirens will cease, and it is critical you listen out for three quick bangs or three short whistle blows. These messages indicate oncoming fallout from the bomb. This is the critical moment you and your loved ones need to run to your inner refuge if you haven’t done so already.

Finally, after the fallout has stopped travelling, another air raid siren will blare a single continuous note indicating that immediate danger is over. Given the fact that fallout has the potential to spread for hundreds of miles, this final signal could take days to sound.


I am a freelance writer with an interest in wrestling, culture, music, podcasts and literature. Currently working in projects involving creative regeneration.