Every Epic Rap Battles Of History Ranked
62. Donald Trump Vs. Ebeneezer Scrooge
Battle: In a parody of A Christmas Carol, Trump (Peter) fills the role of Marley, JP Morgan (Lloyd) fills the role of the Ghost of Christmas Past, Kanye West (DeStorm Power) fills the role of the Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (Peter) finishes things off. Scrooge (Zach Sherwin) has a change of heart by the end, just like in the story.
This is an interesting deviation from the show's formula. There is very little actual battling in this episode but if you considered it as an exercise in storytelling through rap and not as a rap battle, then it's pretty solid. It does have very good flow and DeStorm Power's imitation of Kanye West is genuinely awesome.
Still, the lyrics are forgettable, it feels confused and the episode's inclusion of Donald Trump - he is presented here as just an annoying businessman - hasn't aged well since, of course, he became a lot bigger than that later on.
Therefore, it's a mid-tier offering at best.
Best Line:
Kanye West: "Just take a lesson from Yeezy! /You're missing the point, Ebeneezy! /There's more to life than your work; take it easy! / Even I can make time for Azizy!"