Every Epic Rap Battles Of History Ranked

28. Gordon Ramsay Vs. Julia Childs

Rappers: Lloyd (Ramsey) and Mamrie Hart (Childs).

This was, by several country miles, the best battle of season five.

It's got the smartest, funniest writing of the whole season, it's beautifully balanced and given how much effort had clearly been put in to coming up with witty, original bars, this felt like something out of season two (which was the golden age of ERB).

The visuals are a tad chaotic at times and Epic Lloyd's accent isn't the best, but otherwise this is a very strong episode on the visuals and performances levels and, with its hilariously savage bars and intense beat, is a fast-paced and glorious ride. This was the second episode of season five and it's a shame none of the subsequent ten episodes in that season ever lived up to this.

Best Line:

Ramsay: "You can't test me with your fatty recipes! / Call your book Mastering the Art of Heart Disease! / I mean, it's rubbish! Look at page 408! / Tell me, who the f**k wants to learn to cook calf brains?!"


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.