Every Greggs Pastry RANKED Worst To Best

11. Three Cheese And Pepperoni Pizza

Greggs Sausage Roll

Only slightly winning out over the regular Three Cheese Pizza thanks to the addition of some not half-bad pepperoni slices, this recipe remix doesn't so much fix as mask the big problem that plague its more straightforward counterpart.

Namely, Greggs pizza is not, strictly speaking, pizza. It's more a bready, cheesy, tomato-y treat and, while the differences are subtle, they're also important.

While the pepperoni provides a welcome distraction from the mediocrity underneath, a few slices of spicy meat isn't enough to elevate this pastry from the bottom of the barrel. Like its plain counterpart, this is best avoided.

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When Matteo isn't cashing in on a lifetime of devotion to his favourite pop culture franchises and indie bands, he's writing and publishing poems and short stories under the name Teo Eve. Talk about range.