10 Things You Discover When You Date Someone With Dyspraxia

1. All The Weird Little Things Just Make Them That Bit More Special

Whilst there's a lot of frustrating things about dating someone with Dyspraxia, would they really be the same person without all those quirks that make them the person they are? As with loving anyone who has a disability, you become quite protective of them. You see first hand the challenges that other people don't, and even if you can't 'fix' their disability, you want to help out wherever you can. Dyspaxia is quite the disability to have and the challenges that the average Dyspraxic faces on a daily basis allows them to become fast-thinkers and some of the best problem solvers around. Did you know that the British 'Government Communications Headquarters' - GCHQ specifically employs Dyspraxics as spies due to the unique way they think? They're unique people, and with all the difficulties that come with there's so much about Dyspraxia to cherish.
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Currently living the dream by studying in Wales and writing articles about the things I love for beer money. My proudest achievements are teaching myself Accordion and getting my head round the off-side rule.