Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure Review: 5 Ups And 1 (Anticipated) Down

3. There's A Lot Of Animatronics

Hagrid Motorbike Adventure Harry Potter Universal Orlando
Universal Orlando

Keep your eyes peeled as you race through the Forbidden Forest as there's so many creatures to see.

There's Fluffy the three headed dog, the never before seen Blast Ended Skrewt and of course Rubius Hagrid himself.

Fluffy Harry Potter Universal Orlando
Universal Orlando

The animatronics are impressive in size and are so incredibly lifelike. Hagrid looks strikingly like Robbie Coltrane and you can see each hair on the Unicorn's coat.

You're going to need to ride Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure multiple times to take in the beauty of each detailed animatronic.

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