Halloween Horror Nights 2018: Houses Hype List Ranked!

5. Slaughter Cinema

Slaughter Sinema Halloween Horror Nights Universal Orlando
Universal Orlando

House Overview: Welcome to the deadliest drive-in you'll ever experience. This B-movie special showing will transport you right into some of goriest and craziest horror movies you can imagine. There's werewolf bikers, deadly barbers and alien cannibals all loose in this house. Will you make it out of this feature alive?

Ok, seriously, how cool does this maze sound?!

Universal usually includes a more fun house (and I don't mean the Pat Sharpe kind), my guess is that this could the one this year.

Universal Creative will have had a lot of fun putting together this house together. They are big horror fans and given that Universal Studios is the home of classic horror, I can imagine that this maze has been created with love.

I'm excited to see exactly what the team come up with for this one.


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.