Harry Potter: 10 Most Underrated Chapters

8. Aboard The Hogwarts Express – The Goblet Of Fire

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Cover
Warner Bros.

Chapter Synopsis: Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys leave the Burrow and board the Hogwarts Express.

The journey to Hogwarts is always a highlight in every book (with the obvious exception of The Deathly Hallows). In The Goblet of Fire, the characters discuss their experience at the Quidditch World Cup and Hermione tells the others about foreign magical schools, which is a small nod to the upcoming tournament.

However, the real genius of this chapter is the opening section at the Burrow. Mr Weasley receives an urgent message from Amos Diggory about Mad-Eye Moody, who claims there’s been an intruder at his house. Amos and the rest of the Ministry think it’s a false alarm. In reality, Moody was attacked by Wormtail and Barty Crouch Junior, and the latter transforms into the famous Auror using Polyjuice Potion.

This detail isn’t explained until the very end of the novel when Crouch is under the influence of veritaserum. It’s an easy moment to forget, therefore. Only when you re-read the book do you realise the significance of this chapter.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.