Harry Potter And The Cursed Child: Everything You Need To Know

1. It's Not Child Friendly

The play is going to be pretty dark and J.K.Rowling has teamed up with Jack Thorne and John Tiffany to give you an insight to Harry's current world, and that world isn't exactly child friendly. Thorne and Tiffany were approached by Rowling with the confidence that they would be able to deliver a Harry Potter adaptation successfully on stage. Tiffany, the Tony Award winner is in high demand after his stage adaptation of Swedish novel and film Let The Right One In, and Thorne has won a Bafta Award in 2012 for Best Drama Series for The Fades. With these guys on board, it's safe to assume that the play will be in good hands but some of their best work is rather dark and gritty, so what will this mean for Harry Potter And The Cursed Child? No one under the age of four is allowed into the theatre and it's recommended that only children aged 10+ should watch the play due to the mature content. Harry Potter fans have already witnessed major adult themes such as death and despair which run throughout the HP series, but what will be the context of the mature nature of the play? Will it be that Albus Severus can't handle the fact that his father is a murderer? Will he struggle with the fame of his family name, creating tension and dark desires for a life of solitude, away from his parents? Would this path take him down the road that Voldemort also took as a child as someone who was desperately ashamed of his parents and his birth? Hurry up 2016! Are you excited for Harry Potter And The Cursed Child? Comment in the thread below.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com