3. Nicolas Cage
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNIANs254ns In 2010 outside a Bucharest night club, a very unhappy Nick Cage was caught on phone cam coming unglued at three members of the public who were just trying to help jolly old Nick. Part of his rant that was filmed for posterity included the phases, "Get in that car and walk away. I'll f***ing die because of honor. I'll f***ing die right now. Don't touch me you little b***h!" While undeniably sounding pretty damned bad ass, it loses a lot when you realise that the three folks he's throwing down on are trying to placate him. While his actions (unlike those of Dame Helen and Robert P's) are inexcusable, they are at the least understandable as his latest flick Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance had been universally panned by critics upon it's release and he was not best pleased, but honestly folks, it couldn't have been any worse than his The Wicker Man, could it?
Michael Eugene Smith
Actor, writer, sporadic YouTube vlogger, obsessional Blogger, 54 year old "big kid." I like writing about films, books and things in general and the odd interview. Survivor of a near-death experience in 2013...I didn't see a light.
Writer for Rogue Cinema.com;
Contributor to What Culture.com;
Host for Tomorrow Comes Media (TCM) run by Seventh Star Publishing;
Owner/operator of MikesFilmTalk.com "a WordPress site"
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