Jennifer Lawrence: 7 Ditzy Moments

1. Jennifer Falls Over at the Oscars

When 22-year-old Jennifer heard her name called at the Oscars for the Best Actress award, any number of things could have been going through her mind, least of all how she was going to get up the stairs to the stage in her floor length dress. Unfortunately, amid the excitement of winning the Oscar, Jennifer fell flat on her face as she walked up the stairs. However, after a few moments, she gracefully picked herself up and carried on to the stage as X-Men star Hugh Jackman rushed to her aid. In spite of her little incident, the audience gave her a standing ovation as she reached the stage, at which Jennifer quipped, "This is nuts. You guys are only standing up because I fell and you feel bad. That was embarrassing." In an interview after the event, Jennifer admitted that six inches had already been taken off the bottom of the dress as she thought it was too long and that she might trip. We dread to think what might have been the outcome had the dress been even longer!

Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.