Meet Mercury, The T-Rex Kitten With Two Legs

He was found bloodied and fragile at 4 days old, after a collision with a weed whacker left him without front legs €“ but this little kitty hasn't let that stop him having fun. With only one toe on his back legs from the accident, Mercury's owners have devoted themselves to helping him grow into the nifty fella he is today. As he's grown, they've worked to develop his movement: balancing upright, climb stairs and jump from place to place. His owners have opened a Facebook page to celebrate the kitten overcoming the disabling injury, where they've written: "Mercury does everything other cats do €“ he plays with toys, he jumps, plays with other cats and dogs, sleeps on the bed, uses a litter box, and believes he is king of the world and should be worshipped."
They avoid carrying him around and doing things for him, which has shaped him into the strong independent cat he is today. Once he's fully grown he might be able to get a kitty wheelchair-type device; but for now he's happy getting about on two paws.
Now, please excuse us while we have a moment to ourselves. Cute overload.

Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell