Microsoft are certainly looking to finish the year in style with their new operating system Windows 8 to be formally unveiled soon, as well as their new tablet device Surface due to hit the shelves before the year is out. The software heavyweights are also determined to show they can hold their own in the world of music technology as they are making their new streaming music service -
Xbox Music, the default way to listen to music in Windows 8. This means users of any tablet devices, smart phones or games console with be directed to use Xbox Music to listen to their favorite tunes. In a press release
Microsoft laid down their plans to try to overthrow the likes of Spotify and iTunes as they hope Xbox Music will become consumers digital music player of choice. The service will allow users to do all the usual things such as download and purchase songs, stream music for free, creating custom playlists etc but as with most free software these days they will have to listen to the occasional ad (there will be an ad-free version for $9.99 /£6 a month). The service is due to go live on Xbox 360 consoles on October 16th and will become available on all tablet and PC devices from October 26th with mobile version available on Windows 8 smart phones , Apples iOS and Googles Android operating systems to follow next year.