10 Most Important Things That Will Happen In The Next 20 Years
4. Food
As the world's population continues to boom, we're going to have to face the reality of the potential food crisis that is heading our way. With population projections of 9 billion by 2030, it is thought that we will need to produce 50% more food than we currently are in order to feed everyone. This probably means that, not only will our production techniques have to change, but we'll have to redefine what we think of as food.
Already, many people in the west are eating less meat, often in favour of artificial alternatives. There may come a time when meat eaters and carnivores alike can chow down on synthetic meats, whilst true animal products become a premium item.
As the planet heats up, agriculture will have to change. The previously lush and verdant farmland of Europe may hit crisis, whilst the currently frozen wastes of Siberia could open up a whole new world of possibilities.
Genetically modified crops that are capable of producing unprecedented yields in tough conditions whilst resisting disease will become a way of feeding the ever-expanding population. Growing crops for human consumption, rather than feeding it to livestock, will be the order of the day as it is a much more efficient use of resources.
Basically, our relationship with protein is going to change drastically. You might even have to get used to the idea of tucking into some delicious insects for your dinner.