The Fermi Paradox: A 10 Step Guide To Finding Aliens

1. ...Don't Be Stupid, Of Course They Aren't


As much as the internet likes to grab its pitchforks and accuse the government/pope/illuminati of covering up evidence of alien visitations, the very idea of it gets more and more absurd the more you think about it.

Apart from anything else, the British Prime Minister can't keep his relationship with a pig's head secret, how in god's name is he supposed to have kept the existence of a planet-hopping, hyper-advanced species to himself?

While we're at it, why exactly are governments around the world spending millions on trying to find a single, solitary fossilised bacterium in the Martian soil if we're already on first-name terms with a hyper-intelligent race of space pirates?

Maybe one day I'll be forced to eat my tin foil hat, but I doubt it. Who knows, maybe one day we'll become sufficiently advanced enough for the rest of the galaxy to say hello. Maybe we'll break through into different dimensional planes and find that the aliens were partying it up in the 6th dimension all along. Maybe we'll finally hit The Great Filter and snuff out like so many other civilisations before us.

One thing's for sure, we're only just scratching the surface of what is perhaps one of the greatest and most profound questions asked by man: Just where are all the aliens at?

Where do you think the aliens are at? Perhaps you are an alien and just want to say hi. Let us know in the comments.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.