The Truth Behind 10 Common Superstitions

7. Lighting Three Cigarettes With One Match

broken glass
Art Pictures Group

There is a superstition that you shouldn't light three cigarettes with a single match (although this understandably fell into some obscurity after the invention of lighters), as it was considered bad luck.

The supposed reason behind this is thought to have originated during the First World War. According to the legend, it takes a good sniper roughly three seconds to load, take aim and fire, which also happens to be about the same amount of time it takes to light three cigarettes with a single flame.

This would mean that, if you were being watched by a sniper, the third person to have his cigarette lit would be the prime target for the sniper. To be fair, as bad luck goes, being shot in the face by a sniper is pretty up there.

It would be much safer for each person to light their cigarette at the same time, giving the sniper only one second to react (well, as safe as inhaling poisonous smoke into your lungs in a warzone can be).

It is also thought by some people that this was a rumour put about by match companies in order to get people to use more of their product.

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