Top 10 Stephen King Stories

9. Dolores Claiborne (1992)

€œSometimes being a bitch is all a woman's got to hold on to.€ This story tells the tale of a woman being interviewed by the police in connection with the death of her employer, Vera Donovan. This is a particular favourite of mine, all the more because it isn€™t as well-known as some of his other work. Unlike a lot of his writing it has no supernatural elements although some of it is greatly unsettling; Vera Donovan€™s madness and fears. The writing itself is particularly impressive as the whole book is narrated by Dolores Claiborne in a spoken monologue. Along with making it a striking and original story this device brings the audience into the tale and allows you to really understand the title character and some of the decisions she has made for herself and for her family. It gives you a look into a person€™s mind and truly earns itself the genre of psychological thriller.
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Student at university studying Journalism.