If ever there was proof that the British public like to complain too much, or that elements of that same community cannot take a joke in the spirit in which it was intended, it was the news that the excellent, and very funny "Chav Tranquiliser" advert that Paddy Power released to celebrate the Cheltenham Festival was banned from TV. The advert, which features misbehaving Chavs being sedated, after the an infamous brawl last year threatened to pollute the reputation of the auspicious event, managed a paltry four days on TV before the plug was pulled. But since it's Cheltenham week, we thought we'd bring you it again, no doubt helping Paddy Power achieve exactly as they intended when they put the controversial ad together. http://youtu.be/vvq-uO-XgjM Talk about over-reacting to a joke. If anyone was seriously offended by this, they should be embarrassed of their level of intellect: yes it is crass and silly, but it is hardly harmful. And the idea that anyone could complain about it so vociferously rather suggests that those complaints carry the caveat that they are Chavs themselves. Which is a funny thing to want to admit. On what grounds exactly was the advert banned? Well, obviously someone was afeared that the impressionable youth of today would put down their knives and looting tools and start tranquilising one another instead. This follows on from the previous ban on Paddy Power's equally harmless "Ladies' Day" advert, which you can see below. Another criminal over-reaction, in my mind. http://youtu.be/1XZ5MOB3nww Whatever happened to tongue-in-cheek? The adverts now join the Tango Slap and XBox "Life is Short" adverts on the scrap-heap after too many grumbles were heard from Middle England. Dear God, people, get a hold of yourself!