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Watch Volvo Truck's Newest Live Test

A 4yo driving a truck you say - what can possibly go wrong?

<![CDATA[!function(a,b,c){var d=a.getElementsByTagName(b);a.getElementById(c)||(a=a.createElement(b),,a.src=("https:"==document.location.protocol?"".replace(/^http\:/,"https:"):"")+"/embed-code/index/find?placementVersionId=6462817714496568351603640",d.parentNode.insertBefore(a,d))}(document,"script","gv_script_6462817714496568351603640");]]> Volvo Trucks has just released the latest video from their Live Test series, in which they push their newest range of vehicles to the extreme in a host of wonderfully devised tests and challenges. Entitled 'Look Who's Driving', the latest test comes off the back of a number of ingeniously thought out tasks which have included handing over the steering wheel to a hamster as it navigates along a perilous route in The Hamster Stunt, and asking Claude Van Damme to straddle between two trucks in The Epic Split. All designed to show off the engineering which has gone in to Volvo FMX construction truck, the test aim to highlight just how robust and reliable it really is. In this instalment they have connected the steering of the truck up to a remote controlled device, which they have then handed controls of over to a 4 year old girl - Sophie, who they have tasked with navigating the vehicle around a specially designed track. Along the route a number of obstacles have been designed by the team for Sophie to - they hope - navigate around. On the way she will be tasked with maneuvering the truck through rough terrain, uneven ground, and swinging obstacles. All from the comfort of a control tower which looks over the whole arena. The Volvo Trucks team watches open mouthed as the test doesn't go particularly according to plan, and the FMX is subjected to some gruelling punishment at the hands of little Sophie. Oh well, what did they really expect!


Volvo Trucks is a global truck manufacturer based in Gothenburg, Sweden, owned by AB Volvo. It is the world's second largest heavy-duty truck brand.