20 Problems Only Pizza Delivery Drivers Will Understand

18. Having To Rely On Your 'Banger' For Your Livelihood

Chances are, that if you work as a delivery driver you're a young person working their way up in the world. You won't be able to afford to reliability and sturdiness of a Volvo estate just yet... Instead you have a beaten up 17-year-old Ford Fiesta, a car that should have been confined to the scrap heap a long, long time ago. You can't afford the insurance on anything else, right? Motorcars of that vintage of such tempestuous beasts, so having to rely on them for your job isn't a good place to be. If they break down, which is very likely given their milage which is of course well into six figures by now, you can't work. What a horrible predicament to find yourself in...
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Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.