20 Problems Only Pizza Delivery Drivers Will Understand

15. Not Understanding The Computer System In The Shop

Simpson Gif It's the 21st century, everything has to be done by computer. Gone are the days when your order was taken down with a notepad and pen and a calculator by its side. When you're ordering your pies these days your talking to a person who is frantically scrolling their eyes round a confusing touch screen. Consider that the next time you order a: "12 inch half meat feast, half seafood, hold the anchovies, extra pepperoni, dash of sweetcorn, no bacon, with a barbecue sauce base and a portion of chips, please." Some poor sod has got to plug that all in, in next to no time.
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Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.