8 Straight Up Revolting Things In Nature

6. Plants: Corpse Flower

surinam toad eggs

A big bunch of flowers is one of the most pleasant things on god's green Earth, but there's a black sheep in every family and even these delightful splashes of colour have a bigger, weirder older cousin that ruins family get-togethers by refusing to wash their hair and lecturing everybody about conspiracy theories.

The corpse flower is native to western Sumatra. It can grow bigger than a man and gives off the distinct odour of rotting flesh (hence the name).

The unpleasant aroma is totally repellant to pretty much anything with a nose, apart from certain carrion-eating insects who can't get enough of it. The smell is for these insects' benefit, as they pollinate the plant.

As though to add to the levels of sheer creepiness, the plant's bloom is almost a perfect match for human flesh and the tip of the large, protruding spadix is warm - about the same temperature as the human body. 

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.