10 Things Crystal Palace Fans Need To Know About Emmanuel Adebayor

3. He Couldn't Walk

Perhaps one of Adebayor's greatest achievements is learning to walk. I say achievement; according to Adebayor and his family, this was nothing short of a miracle. The new Palace forward was taken to Nigeria and Lagos by his mother and no one could get him to walk. He was four and his family were losing hope. He was taken to a church and they told him that they would pray for him but, if the prayers went unanswered in a week, then he would never walk. As the deadline loomed, an act of divine intervention occurred. A ball rolled into the church and Adebayor, who had never walked, got up and ran over to the ball and started playing. Reports on whether he nutmegged the priest are, as yet, unconfirmed.

South East London basest dilettante and quacksalver.